Monday, March 12, 2007

"What good did the theories of the philosophers do us? Did they help us to take a single step forward or backward? What is forward, what is backward? Did they alter our forms of contentment? We are. We argue, we dispute, we get excited. The rest is sauce. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes mixed with a limitless boredom, a swamp dotted with tufts of dying shrubs.

We have had enough of the intelligent movements that have stretched beyond measure our credulity in the benefits of science. What we want now is spontaneity."

-Tristan Tzara


Art is going to sleep for a new world to be born
"ART," that parrot word replaced by DADA,
PLESIOSAURUS, or handkerchief

The talent THAT CAN BE LEARNED makes the
poet a druggist. TODAY the criticism
of balances no longer challenges with resemblances
Hypertrophic painters hyperaes-
theticized and hypnotized by the hyacinths
of the hypocritical-looking muezzins
Hypodrome of immortal guarantees: there is
no such thing as importance there is no transparence
or appearance
BLIND MEN take the stage
THE SYRINGE is only for my understanding.

I write because it is natural.

It's finally warming up in Chicago...we're expecting temps in the upper 50s for the next few days. There are so many things going on in this city and poetry is just one. In the next few weeks the anthology The City Visible: Chicago Poetry for the New Century will be on bookshelves in stores across the city with new poetry from Garin Cycholl, Chuck Stebelton, Lina ramona Vitkauskas, Sterling Plumpp, Bill Allegrezza, Simone Muench, Chris Glomski, Ray Bianchi, Peter O'Leary, Kerri Sonnenberg, Robyn Schiff, Mark Tardi, myself and many others. Order a copy from your local bookstore or else contact Cracked Slab Books. Also, there are many exciting things coming up in the Myopic books reading series. As soon as I'm fully defrosted I'll be venturing out. Chicago's summer personality is why I live here. . .

Sunday March 25 - Betsy Andrews

Sunday April 22 - Tim Yu

Sunday April 29 - Tony Trigilio

Sunday May 13 - Comedic Poetry with Aaron Belz, Daniel Borzutzky, Joyelle McSweeney, Gabriel Gudding, and A.D. Jameson

Sunday June 17 - Aaron Fagan